Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oh energy, how I have missed you.

Yes, you read that correctly. I had nearly forgotten what it felt like to get up in the morning and actually stay awake for more than two hours. I spent the last two weeks sick which landed me in the emergency room with a swelling throat. After a week of antibiotics I am feeling 100%, but now the daddy to be is sick. So, that means I've been his personal nurse all weekend. Lucky for him I'm feeling like I've had a caffeine IV drip. Maybe peanut knows to take it easy on me right now :) I did make a comment yesterday during our 1,000th visit to Walgreen's this week alone.
Me "If you think you feel sick now, try being pregnant!"
Daddy to be "I don't care about that right now! I'm sick!"'s a good thing that women have the pleasure of growing humans instead of men ;)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Long time, no blog!

Life has been so crazy lately, which has made time go by very quickly. is what has been keeping a smile on my face...
This is our little ginger baby waving at us! Our appointment was amazing last week. We went in completely terrified, but everything went just fine. The baby was waving it's little arm around and kicking it's feet like crazy. And the heart beat looked so amazing. David was so excited to see his baby for the first time, and I was thrilled to see that the little one is healthy!
Then the very next week we went back for my normal, scheduled prenatal appointment. We heard the heart beat for the first time. I could have stayed there listening to it all day! The proud Oma was with us and used her charm to get our doc to do another ultrasound. The pictures from this ultrasound didn't turn out as perfect...but here's my favorite :)

I must say, our baby is very friendly. That thing that looks like a chubby little arm and nubbins for fingers...well, that's exactly what it is! I can't wait to hold that little hand. It was amazing to see how much the baby had grown in one week. The legs were no longer just little stumps, they were actually really long! And as soon as the little one realized we were watching, it began jumping around and putting on a show. Oh how I love my baby...
And more good news...we are almost finished with the first trimester! This is a huge relief. It's also nice to not feel quite so sick :)
April 6th cannot get here soon enough!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

10 week scare

I went back to work last week after taking a few months off to finish nursing school. On Friday after I finished my shift I began spotting and slightly cramping. Needless to say, I panicked. This was the last thing I was expecting. I attempted to contact my doctor, but his office was getting ready to close and I spent about 20 minutes on hold. I gave up and went home with my mom. Over the long (WAY too long) Labor Day weekend I spent my time lying on the couch and worrying. I had also had a horrible back ache which I have heard is a sign of miscarriage. After a lot of TLC from my mom I have stopped cramping, I have no more spotting and my back is feeling much better. I'm still going to see my doctor in an hour to make sure everything is okay. This is truly the scariest doctor visit I have ever anticipated and I've spent the last hour a nervous mess. Everyone is sending a lot of love and prayers to our little ginger baby, including the daddy to be and myself. I cannot wait to know what we're dealing with.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The best news I've ever received...

David and I received the happiest news of our lives this summer. We are finally going to have the little ginger baby that we have been dreaming of!

The first ultrasound was on August 17th. It was absolutely amazing to see the little one floating around. The heartbeat was strong and truly the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. I cannot wait to go back to the doctor this month!
The daddy to be is extremely excited. He absolutely cannot wait to start buying baby things! Annnd he's been pretty amazing at going out in the middle of the night to get me tums to soothe my upset stomach.
Oma seems to think we're having a boy. However, this mama is only getting little girl vibes ;) I guess we'll have to wait and see.